
Patient and Family Engagement

​​​​​​Patient and family engagement is important for achieving patient-centred, high-quality care. To the OHA, “engagement” is defined as proactively seeking out the views of patients to help inform decisions and designs that impact them.

The OHA has a Patient and Family Engagement Working Group, made up of hospital leaders, patient and patient/family advisors, that provides guidance and makes recommendations to the OHA on how to best support Ontario hospitals in their patient and family engagement activities.

Increasingly, the OHA is also directly seeking the input of patient and family advisors throughout the development of guidance documents and resources that we provide to hospitals.  If you are a patient who would like to be involved in future OHA consultations, please use the contact Andrew MacLeod -

In this section, you will find the resource and guidance documents the OHA has designed, in collaboration with patients, caregivers and hospital partners. You will also find links to resources and guidance materials from our system partners.

Please note:  Important OHA member resources are available on this page.  To access these resources, members are required to sign in through the Log in at the top of the page.

OHA Resources

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System Partner Resources

Ontario Caregiver Organization

Healthcare Excellence Canada

Institute Patient- and Family-Centred Care 

​The Beryl Institute 

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