Research and Information on COVID-19

​The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) has developed this resource to profile notable research and news updates related to COVID-19 according to various areas of focus. It was developed to more broadly share potential learnings and valuable information from local and international sources. The information and research provided are not exhaustive and members are encouraged to engage in additional research and due diligence as required. Members wishing to share additional items for posting are invited to do so by emailing This resource will be updated as more information becomes available, and members are encouraged to visit regularly.

Disclaimer: This resource has been created for general information purposes only. The OHA assumes no responsibility or liability for any harm, damage or other losses, direct or indirect, resulting from any reliance on the use or the misuse of any information contained in this resource. Facts, figures and resources mentioned in the referenced resources have not been validated by the OHA.



This resource includes information on a number of topics related to COVID-19. Please click on the appropriate links below to access each topic area: