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Bluewater Health’s ‘Ryan’s House’ making a big impact for those recovering from addiction

April 22, 2021, marked three months since the opening of Ryan's House, Bluewater Health's phase II residential withdrawal management facility. The opening of Ryan's House on January 22, was the result of the care and collaboration of so many who saw our community facing an addiction crisis, and knew more needed to be done to support those seeking treatment. We have seen firsthand the impact on our clients' recovery. Lives are being changed for the better.

The Residential Withdrawal Management Stabilization and Transition Facility is called 'Ryan's House' in memory of Ryan Hicks (pictured left) who passed away from a fentanyl overdose in March 2015. According to Ryan's mother, Laurie Hicks, "After the loss of our son, I became a passionate advocate for addiction awareness and improvement for treatment options. So many things didn't make sense at the time, it always and still seems like it could have been avoided. I can now say, I feel heard. Sarnia-Lambton elected officials listened to us, our Ministry of Health heard not just our plea, but our plan. Ryan's House could not have turned out any better than we had dreamed of."

We hope this video shows the exceptional care being provided at Ryan's House, and the dedication and perseverance our clients show every day. We could not be more hopeful.