
End-of-Life Care

​​​​​​Current developments on issues relating to end-of-life care including palliative care, treatment decisions at the end-of-life, and medical assistance in dying.

Please note:  Important OHA member resources are available on this page.  To access these resources, members are required to sign in through the Log in at the top of the page.​​

collapse Topic Area : Medical Assistance in Dying ‎(17)
 Bill 84 - Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act - As Amended by Standing Committee - Backgrounder
 Spotlight on MAID - Physician Perspective on Regional Coordination
 Bill 84 - Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act - Backgrounder
 Spotlight on MAID - The Role of Interpreters
 Spotlight on MAID - Interview with the Coroner
 Key Developments Since the Release of Carter (2016) - Backgrounder
 Bill C-14 Medical Assistance in Dying - June Update
 Bill C-14 Medical Assistance in Dying - Backgrounder
 CPSO on Interim Guidance Document (2016) - Submission
 Addressing Interim Requests for Access to Physician-Assisted Death (2016)
 OHA Submission to CPSO on Interim Guidance Document - January 2016
 Provincial-Territorial Expert Advisory Group on PAD (2015) - Submission
 OHA Submission to Provincial - Territorial Expert Advisory Group on PAD
 Carter v Canada – Case Update - Supreme Court of Canada Decision - (2015) - Backgrounder
 CMDS v CPSO on Effective Referral - Backgrounder - February 2018
 Bill C 7 Legislative Changes regarding MAID - Backgrounder
 Amendments to Federal Regulations for Reporting on Medical Assistance in Dying - Backgrounder (December 2022)