
Coroner Reports and Documents

​​​​The following is an inventory of individual case reports of coroner's inquests sent to the OHA from the Office of the Chief Coroner. The reports either relate to deaths that occurred in hospitals, or the coroner’s jury, in these inquests, have made recommendations directed at hospitals. Although coroner’s jury recommendations are not legally binding, hospitals may wish to review and consider them. (The Office of the Chief Coroner also publishes annual death review committee reports. Click here for an archive of annual reports).

Please note that the documents on this page do not comprise of the complete inventory of all reports that exist. The Office of the Chief Coroner maintains a more complete archive of its reports. If a specific case report has not been uploaded to the inventory below, please contact the Office of the Chief Coroner directly at 416-314-4000, 1-877-991-9959 or by email at occ.inquiries@ontario.ca to request a report.

Individual Case Reports

collapse Category : Clinical Practice Guidelines ‎(6)
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Clinical Practice Guidelines
 Lana Dale Lewis Inquest - Clinical Practice Guidelines
 Memo - Management of an Unclaimed Body
 MPDRC Report - Neonatal Death - Clinical Practice Guidelines
 PSRC Report - Death Caused by Metastatic Breast Carcinoma - Clinical Practice Guidelines
 Wayne Howard Inquest - Clinical Practice Guidelines
collapse Category : Communication ‎(29)
 2010 Education Catalogue final
 2012-13652 (PSRC-2015-02)
 2013-9416 (PSRC-2015-04)
 Angelina Peluso Inquest - Communication
 Bolger Inquest
 Bryan Dukic Inquest - Communication
 Christopher Kelly Robertson Inquest - Communication
 Christopher Magee Inquest - Communication
 Clarification of Recommendation from PSRC - Communication
 Derek McCracken Inquest - Communication
 Gary Orven Spurn Inquest - Communication
 James O'Brien Inquest - Communication
 Jeffrey Thomas Elliott Inquest - Communication
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Communication
 John Allen Marskell Inquest
 Lumgair Cutler Wibberly - Communication
 Marie Tanner Inquest - Communication
 Mark Charles Barber Inquest
 Mark Wilfred Orser Inquest - Communication
 MPDRC - 2013-5114
 Negus Tefari Topey Inquest - Communication
 PSRC - 2013-15583 (PSRC-2015-03)
 PSRC - Hemodialysis - Communication
 PSRC - Post-surgical T-tube Complication - Communication
 PSRC - Subarrachnoid Hemorrhage - Communication
 Robert Smilanich Inquest - Communication
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 1 - Communication
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 2 - Communication
 Tamara Nakic Inquest - Communication
collapse Category : Documentation/Health Records/Reporting ‎(9)
 Eoin Stalker Inquest - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Helena Vanderkolff Inquest - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Helena Vanderkolff Verdict - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Lumgair Cutler Wibberly - Documentation - Records - Reporting
 Mark Alexader Wiens Inquest - Documentation, Health Records, Reporting
 Negus Tefari Topey Inquest - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 1 - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 2 - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
collapse Category : Emergency Care ‎(13)
 Bryan Dukic Inquest - Emergency Care
 Christopher Magee Inquest - Emergency Care
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Emergency Care
 Methusan Vijayaratnam Inquest - Emergency Care
 MPDRC Report - Peripartum Cardiomyopathy - Emergency Care
 Oster, Bell, McKay, D Evans and J Evans Inquest - Emergency Care
 Peter Lamonday Inquest - Emergency Care
 PSRC - Blockage of Hickman Line for Flolan Pump - Emergency Care
 PSRC - Medication Incident During Therapy for Sickle Cell Crisis - Emergency Care
 PSRC - Pneumonia Order Sets - Emergency Care
 PSRC Report - Death Caused by Narcotic Toxicity - Emergency Care
 Reilly Kennedy Anzovino Inquest - Emergency Care
 Szamko Inquest - Emergency Care
collapse Category : Geriatrics/Long Term Care ‎(10)
 2013-10035 (GLTCRC-2016-05)
 ALC Placement Recommendations
 Death at Home for the Aged - Geriatrics-Long Term Care
 El-Roubi and Lopez Inquest - Geriatrics,Long Term Care
 GLTCRC - Death of 92 year old woman entrapped between bed frame and rail - Geriatrics-Long Term Care
 GLTCRC- Death of 81 year old man due to hospital-acquired pneumonia - Geriatric-Long Term Care
 Helena Vanderkolff Inquest - Geriatrics,Long Term Care
 Helena Vanderkolff Verdict - Geriatrics,Long Term Care
 PSRC - Death Due to Hydromorphone Medication Error - Geriatric-Long Term Care
 PSRC - Death of Elderly Woman - Medication Error - Geriatric-Long-Term Care
collapse Category : Health Human Resources/Staff Education ‎(3)
 Eoin Stalker Inquest - Health Human Resources,Staff Education
 Lana Dale Lewis Inquest - Health Human Resources,Staff Education
 Lumgair Cutler Wibberly - Health Human Resources,Staff Education
collapse Category : Homelessness ‎(1)
 Negus Tefari Topey Inquest - Homelessness
collapse Category : Homicide ‎(5)
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Implementation of the Jury Recommendations - One Year Report --Homicide
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Implementing the Recommendations --Homicide
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Jury Recommendations - Dupont-Daniel Inquest December 2007 --Homicide
 DVDRC Report - Death Due to Sharp Force Injuries - Homicide
 Michael Douglas Inquest -Homicide
collapse Category : Hospital Policy and Processes ‎(15)
 Christopher Magee Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Clarification of Recommendation from PSRC - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Death at Home for the Aged - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Denise Blais Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Derek McCracken Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Eoin Stalker Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Lumgair Cutler Wibberly - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Marie Tanner Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Mark Alexader Wiens Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 MPDRC - Death Due to Amniotic Fluid Embolus - Hospital Policy and Processes
 Paramjeet Singh Padda Inquest - Hospital Policy and Processes
 PSRC - Blockage of Hickman Line for Flolan Pump - Hospital Policy and Processes
 PSRC - Hemodialysis - Hospital Policy and Processes
 PSRC - Medication Incident During Therapy for Sickle Cell Crisis - Hospital Policy and Processes
collapse Category : Incident Reporting/Audits ‎(3)
 Eoin Stalker Inquest - Incident Reporting,Audits
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Incident Reporting,Audits
 Lumgair Cutler Wibberly - Incident Reporting,Audits
collapse Category : Infection Prevention & Control ‎(1)
 Recommendations for Hospitals to prevent Clostridium Difficile Outbreaks
collapse Category : Medical Equipment ‎(2)
 PDRC - Death Due to Haemorrhagic Shock - Medical Equipment
 Robert Smilanich Inquest - Medical Equipment
collapse Category : Medication Incidents ‎(10)
 Johnathon David Weeks Inquest - Medication Incidents
 Marie Tanner Inquest - Medication Incidents
 PSRC - Death Due to Hydromorphone Medication Error - Medication Incidents
 PSRC - Death of Elderly Woman - Medication Error - Medication Incidents
 PSRC - Medication Incident During Therapy for Sickle Cell Crisis - Medication Incidents
 PSRC Report - Death Caused by Metastatic Breast Carcinoma - Medication Incidents
 PSRC Report - Death Caused by Narcotic Toxicity - Medication Incidents
 Sara Carlin Inquest - Medication Incidents
 Wade Lamont Hatt Inquest
 William Thomas Hart Inquest - Medication Incidents
collapse Category : Mental Health and Addictions ‎(21)
 Andre Serge Lemieux Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Denise Blais Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 DVDRC Report - Death Due to Sharp Force Injuries - Mental Health
 Edward McNeil Inquest
 El-Roubi and Lopez Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Gary Orven Spurn Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 James O'Brien Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Jeffrey Marreel Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 John Carl Bolger Inquest
 Johnathon David Weeks Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Kerry Nicole Cuddy Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Mark Alexader Wiens Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Mark Wilfred Orser Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Michael Douglas Inquest
 Oster,Bell,McKay,Evans and Evans Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Otto Vass Inquest
 Peter Lamonday Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Robert Walker Inquest
 Sara Carlin Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
 Stephane Michaud Inquest - Mental and Health Addictions
 William Thomas Hart Inquest - Mental Health and Addictions
collapse Category : Newly Posted ‎(40)
 Christopher Skinner Inquest
 DVDRC-2015-06 - Death of a 88-year old male due to suicide-homicide
 Ernie Schilcher Inquest
 Evan Thomas Jones Inquest
 George Kononow Inquest
 GLTCRC - Death due to complications of hypothyroidism
 GLTCRC - Death due to Pneumonia secondary to fall-related hip fracture
 GLTCRC - Death Due to Pseudomembraneous Colitis
 GLTCRC - Death Due to Ventilator Disconnection
 GLTCRC - Death of 87 year old woman due to fall from elevated bed
 GLTCRC - Death of 88 year old woman due to pulmonary thromboembolism and brochopneumonia
 GLTCRC - Deaths due to head injury after same-level fall
 GLTCRC No. 2010-3247 - Death due to Fentanyl overdose
 Jardine Douglas Klibingaitis - Eligon Inquest
 Karyn Eileen Chase Inquest
 Keith Prescod Inquest
 Kulmiye Hussein Aganeh Inquest
 Matthew Henry Roke Inquest
 Medication Error of an Elderly Palliative Care Patient
 Mladen Mesic Inquest
 MPDRC - Cardiorespiratory failure-hydrops foetalis-tachydysrhythmia
 MPDRC - Intracerebral bleed due to maternal HELLP syndrome
 Paul Thomas Horan Inquest
 PDRC - Death due to suicide by hanging
 PDRC - Death from Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
 PSRC - Death Caused by Hydromorphone Medication Error
 PSRC - Death due to Acute Propofol Intoxication
 PSRC - Death due to Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli
 PSRC - Death due to chemical-induced pneumonia
 PSRC - Death due to Dilated Cardiomyopathy
 PSRC - Death due to Fecal Peritonitis due to Presumed Colonic Perforation
 PSRC - Death due to hydromorphone toxicity - Infusion Pump
 PSRC - Death Due to Hypotensive Effects of Ramipril and Diltiazam
 PSRC - Death Due to Myocardial Infarction
 PSRC - Death Due to Septic Shock due to Peritonitis
 PSRC - Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)
 PSRC No. 2011-14501 - Death due to norepinephrine medication error
 PSRC Report - Death from Hypoglycaemic Event Caused by Erroneous Dose of Insulin Aspart
 Robert Howard Clause Inquest
 Wieslaw Duda Inquest
collapse Category : Paediatrics ‎(7)
 Methusan Vijayaratnam Inquest - Paediatrics
 MPDRC Report - Neonatal Death - Paediatrics
 PDRC - Death Due to Haemorrhagic Shock - Paediatrics
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 1 - Paediatrics
 Tamara Nakic Appendix 2 - Paediatrics
 Tamara Nakic Inquest - Documentation,Health Records,Reporting
 Tamara Nakic Inquest - Paediatrics
collapse Category : Patient Involvement ‎(3)
 Angelina Peluso Inquest - Patient Involvement
 Lana Dale Lewis Inquest - Patient Involvement
 PSRC - Blockage of Hickman Line for Flolan Pump - Patient Involvement
collapse Category : Restraints ‎(6)
 Adeyere Robinson Inquest
 Jeffrey James Inquest
 Mark Alexader Wiens Inquest - Restraints
 Paramjeet Singh Padda Inquest - Restraints
 Peter Lamonday Inquest - Restraints
 Stephane Michaud Inquest - Restraints
collapse Category : Suicide ‎(5)
 Christopher Kelly Robertson Inquest
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Implementation of the Jury Recommendations - One Year Report -Suicide
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Implementing the Recommendations -Suicide
 Dupont-Daniel Inquest - Jury Recommendations - Dupont-Daniel Inquest December 2007 - Suicide
 Sara Carlin Inquest - Suicide
collapse Category : Transitional Care ‎(13)
 Christopher Mage Inquest - Transitional Care
 Derek McCracken Inquest - Transitional Care
 Eoin Stalker Inquest - Transitional Care
 GLTCRC- Death of 81 year old man due to hospital-acquired pneumonia - Transitional Care
 James O'Brien Inquest - Transitional Care
 Jeffrey Thomas Elliott Inquest - Transitional Care
 Johanne Desrocher Inquest - Transitional Care
 Kerry Nicole Cuddy Inquest - Transitional Care
 Marskell Inquest
 PSRC - Hemodialysis - Transitional Care
 PSRC - Post-surgical T-tube Complication - Transitional Care
 PSRC - Subarrachnoid Hemorrhage - Transitional Care
 Szamko Inquest - Transitional Care
collapse Category : Update from the Chief Coroner ‎(3)
 Memo - Transporting Bodies in Supine Position from Death Scenes - Update from the Chief Coroner
 Organ and Tissue Retention Regulation
 Regulatory Amendments – Organ and Tissue Retention - July 2010

Annual Committee Reports

collapse Year : 2016 ‎(1)
 Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee (2004)
collapse Year : 2014 ‎(4)
 2013-14 PSRC Annual Report - English
 2013-2014 Annual Report - Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee
 2014 Annual Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee
 GLTRC 2013-2014 Annual Report - English
collapse Year : 2013 ‎(1)
 2013 Annual Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee
collapse Year : 2012 ‎(5)
 2012 Annual Report - Domestic Violence Death Review Committee
 2012 Annual Report - Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee
 2012 Annual Report - Patient Safety Review Committee
 2012 Annual Report of the Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee
 2012 Annual Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee
collapse Year : 2011 ‎(4)
 2011 Annual Report of the Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee
 2011 Annual Report of the Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee
 2011 Annual Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee
 Annual Patient Safety Review Committee Report - 2011
collapse Year : 2010 ‎(3)
 1st Annual Patient Safety Review Committee Report - 2010
 2010 Annual Report of the Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee
 6th Annual Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee Report
collapse Year : 2009 ‎(7)
 19th Annual Geriatric and Long Term Care Report
 5th Annual Maternal and Perinatal Death Report
 6th Annual Domestic Violence Death Report
 Maternal and Death Review Committee (2005)
 Maternal and Perinatal Death Review Committee
 Obstetrical Care Review Committee (2004)
 Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee - 2007
collapse Year : 2008 ‎(7)
 3rd Annual Maternal Report - 2008 (Cases from 2006)
 Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committe (2005)
 Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee (2006)
 Geriatric and Long-Term Care Review Committee Report - September 2008
 Geriatric Long-Term Care Committte - June 2007
 Maternal and Perinatal Death Review - 2008 (Cases from 2007)
 Paediatric Death Review Committee - Annual Report 2008