
Coroner Reports and Documents

​​​​The following is an inventory of individual case reports of coroner's inquests sent to the OHA from the Office of the Chief Coroner. The reports either relate to deaths that occurred in hospitals, or the coroner’s jury, in these inquests, have made recommendations directed at hospitals. Although coroner’s jury recommendations are not legally binding, hospitals may wish to review and consider them. (The Office of the Chief Coroner also publishes annual death review committee reports. Click here for an archive of annual reports).

Please note that the documents on this page do not comprise of the complete inventory of all reports that exist. The Office of the Chief Coroner maintains a more complete archive of its reports. If a specific case report has not been uploaded to the inventory below, please contact the Office of the Chief Coroner directly at 416-314-4000, 1-877-991-9959 or by email at occ.inquiries@ontario.ca to request a report.

Individual Case Reports

Annual Committee Reports


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