Updates on the novel coronavirus

​​​​​​The OHA developed this webpage to keep members apprised of recent Ministry of Health updates regarding the novel coronavirus, and to highlight relevant resources for members. It is important to note that the health system is well-prepared to respond to this type of issue. As the situation unfolds, officials from the Ministry and public health, including the Chief Medical Officer of Health, remain in close contact with health care providers and partners across the system, including the OHA. This includes daily stakehholder calls to share information, guidance, and address any challenges, should they arise.

Daily Update as of June 10, 2022

Situation Report #696 COVID-19
Ministry of Health | Health System Emergency Management Branch     


NOTE: In alignment with the wind-down of provincial emergency response measures and the shift to managing COVID-19 through routine operations, the ministry's daily COVID-19 Situation Report will no longer be distributed after June 10 2022. COVID-19 data will continue to be reported on the Ministry of Health website and through the Public Health Ontario's COVID-19 data tool.

​REMARQUE : En conséquence de la réduction progressive des mesures d'urgence sanitaire provinciales et du passage à la gestion de la COVID-19 par des mesures ordinaires, le rapport quotidien du ministère sur l'état de la COVID-19 ne sera plus distribué après le 10 juin 2022. Les données sur la COVID-19 continueront d'être diffusées sur le site Web du ministère de la Santé et au moyen de l'outil de surveillance des données sur la COVID-19 en Ontario de Santé publique Ontario


Area / Région

Case count / Nombre de cas

Change from yesterday / Changement par rapport à hier

Deaths / Décès

Change from yesterday / Changement par rapport à hier


1 311 360

+  835

13 324

+  10​

*Numbers current as of 3 p.m. yesterday. / Chiffres de l'Ontario à jour à 15h hier.

Acute Care

Hospitalizations | Hospitalisations

Yesterday / Hier

7-day % change /
% de changement sur 7 jours

Confirmed Patients Hospitalized | Cas confirmés hospitalisés



COVID-19 in ICU | COVID-19 aux soins intensifs



COVID-19 Related Critical Illness Vented  | COVID-19 liée à une maladie grave



Data Source: Daily Bed Census, Critical Care Services Ontario / Source des données: Recensement quotidien des lits, Services ontariens des soins aux malades en phase critique

Active Outbreaks

Active Outbreaks

Éclosions actives

Yesterday / Hier

7-day average /
Moyenne de 7 jours













​Data Source: Provincial Case and Contact Management Solution / Source des données: Système provincial de gestion des cas et des contacts

More information on outbreaks by setting is available through Public Health Ontario's COVID-19 Data Tool.

Plus derenseignements sur les éclosions par milieu sont disponibles grâce à l'outil desurveillance des données sur la COVID-19 de Santé publique Ontario.

Update :


Related OHA Communications

Please note that some of the bulletins below are members only. Please sign in to OHA.com/news to view all bulletins.

To access earlier bulletins please visit the OHA's Wrap-up page.

OHA members can direct their questions to Melissa Prokopy, Director, Legal, Policy and Professional Issues, at mprokopy@oha.com or 416-205-1565.

OHA Resources

Bioethics Resources

Government Resources

System Partner/Hospital Resources & Other Resources

  • Canadian Institute for Health Information:
  • CorHealth: COVID-19 Resource Centre
  • Covid Care Learning: Educational resources have been developed and posted on www.covidcarelearning.ca to assist organizations that are continuing to plan for redeployment to the meet the needs for COVID-19 care. This website was created with the support of the Ontario healthcare and education communities to provide key resources to prepare healthcare professionals who will be treating Ontarians impacted by COVID-19. These resources are intended for anyone in the hospital or long-term care sector, including those involved in the care of COVID-19 and other critically ill patients or residents. Read a previous OHA bulletin for instructions on loggin in.
  • COVID-19 Visit Risk tool: This 10-minute quiz was developed by researchers at the National Institute of Ageing, a public policy research centre at Ryerson University in Toronto, and walks you through exactly how risky your planned interactions with friends or loved ones are when it comes to COVID-19.  
  • Innovative Medicines Canada COVID-19 Resource Centre
    • The website will feature the many contributions from members who are testing for COVID-19, discovering new treatments and vaccines, and will also contain a section on drug shortages. It  will be updated daily with new and relevant information.
  • Intubation Boxes: Klick is offering free intubation boxes, delivered at no cost to hospitals. Click here for more information.
  • Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission: The dedicated resource site features a list of briefings and meetings (with transcripts) and updates to date.
  • Michael Garron Hospital: Checklist (sample) for supporting LTC homes (prevention workstreams)
  • Ontario College of Family Physicians: Resource Page
  • Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
    • Physician Resource page
    • FAQ: Updated regularly to provide advice/guidance on key issues CPSO is hearing about and where joint messaging could be helpful.
  • Ontario Community Support Association: New Community Support Program Provides Help for Vulnerable Seniors in Isolation
  • Ontario Medical Association:
  • Research- related resources: Two recently launched websites allow users to submit their COVID-19 questions to be examined through a network of researchers.
    • Rapid Evidence Access Link (REAL), created by an interdisciplinary team of health systems students and professionals, scans credible evidence sources and produces concise notes on a variety of COVID-19 queries. It focuses on operational and tactical questions from individual health service providers and clinicians.
    • The COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis Network is comprised of organizations in Ontario's evidence synthesis and knowledge translation community. It provides high-quality, relevant, and timely synthesized research evidence about COVID-19 to inform decision makers as the pandemic continues, with a focus on strategic policy and program questions.
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre:
  • University Health Network: Click here to access a set of resources developed by UHN featuring tips to ensure inclusion and equity for marginalized community members during COVID-19.
  • University of Toronto: University of Toronto Engineering researchers have developed Redeploy, a tool that optimizes and automates the matching of available staff to jobs that need to be filled throughout the hospital.

Global Resources