
About Us

​​​​​​​​​​Serving Ontario's hospitals to build a better health system

Across Ontario, hospitals have transformed and adapted like no other part of the health care system. Hospitals are working collaboratively with their system partners to deliver care in new and innovative ways and are fundamentally redefining their role in the health care system. The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) serves Ontario's hospitals to build a better health system.

At the heart of our current strategic plan is the conviction that striving for excellence in our core services to members - advocacy, learning and engagement, collective bargaining and data and analytics support - must come first. At the same time it's never been more important for hospitals and the OHA to take a system view on the strategic questions facing the future of Ontario's health care system.  

Members expect the OHA to be a leader in thought leadership on key ideas that help build a better health system and ensure that Ontario hospitals have a strong voice in reshaping the system in the coming years.

Corporate Governance​

As a member organization, OHA is governed by a Board o​f Directors that is elected by our members.  The Board meets approximately five (5) times throughout the year. 

The Board is composed of 21 directors - 20 elected by the Members plus the President and CEO, who also serves as Secretary.  Elected Directors are recruited for expertise and to reflect the full diversity of OHA's membership.

Biographies of OHA's Board of Directors are available here.

Standing and Special Committees help the Board meet its responsibilities by releasing time for generative discussions of strategic matters faced by our members.  Each of these Committees reports regularly to the Board on its activities. 

The Standing Committees: Executive Committee, Finance and Audit Committee, Governance and Nominating Committee, Investment Committee, and Labour Relations Committee.  In addition to Board members, some committees include external members.

The primary reference document for the Board in governing the Association is OHA By-law 1.  The by-law was most recently revised and approved by Members in September 2022.  The Board has also adopted governance policies to frame its processes.

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